Sylvian Care Kingston pens summer safety guide for the elderly and vulnerable
Sylvian Care Sylvian Care

Sylvian Care Kingston pens summer safety guide for the elderly and vulnerable

We Brits love one thing above all else – talking about the weather! Most of us look forward to the warmer weather and feeling the sun on our faces, but we need to be when temperatures do – eventually! – soar. Keeping cool isn’t just about staying comfortable – it is vital for our health and safety.

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Embracing difficult conversations to get the most out of life
Sylvian Care Sylvian Care

Embracing difficult conversations to get the most out of life

We tend to put off difficult conversations, especially when it concerns death or dying. Avoiding discussions can cause conflict, uncertainty and stress for both you and your loved ones. That is why we should reconsider the importance of those conversations, shifting the dynamic from avoidance to initiation.

Here, Liz Oti, Registered Manager of our Cherwell & West Oxfordshire office, guides us through why it is crucial to engage in conversations around death and dying with our loved ones or relatives, providing some practical steps to help you and those around you prepare.

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Setting Ourselves Apart: The Sylvian Care Difference
Jecel Marie Manabat Jecel Marie Manabat

Setting Ourselves Apart: The Sylvian Care Difference

Many providers promise top-notch care services, but few deliver a genuinely unique and transformative experience. Sylvian Care isn't just another care provider; we embody a mission and values that set us distinctly apart. So, what is the Sylvian Care difference? Let's dive deeper.

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A Closer Look at Sylvian Care Services
Jecel Marie Manabat Jecel Marie Manabat

A Closer Look at Sylvian Care Services

Navigating the world of care services can be a daunting endeavour. With myriad options available, discerning which service best aligns with individual needs requires a deep understanding. Sylvian Care stands out in this landscape, offering a diverse range of services, all rooted in our unwavering commitment to human connection. Here's a detailed exploration of the Sylvian Care service spectrum.

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Stroke Awareness: Signs, Symptoms, and Sylvian Care's Role
Jecel Marie Manabat Jecel Marie Manabat

Stroke Awareness: Signs, Symptoms, and Sylvian Care's Role

In the ever-evolving sphere of health and well-being, understanding and recognizing the early signs of potential health issues is paramount. One such condition that demands immediate attention and swift action is a stroke. This piece aims to provide a concise overview of the signs and symptoms of a stroke and delves into how Sylvian Care stands as a pillar of support during the post-stroke recovery journey.

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The Significance of CQC Registration for Sylvian Care
Jecel Marie Manabat Jecel Marie Manabat

The Significance of CQC Registration for Sylvian Care

Navigating the intricate world of care requires a beacon of assurance, and for many, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) serves as that guiding light.

Sylvian Care, with immense pride, holds registration with CQC, a testament to our commitment to quality, trust, and unwavering dedication to those we serve. In this article, we delve deeper into the importance of this important registration and what it means for our valued clients.

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Why Choose A CQC-Regulated Service?
Sylvian Care Sylvian Care

Why Choose A CQC-Regulated Service?

When it comes to finding the right care service for your loved ones, it’s essential to make an informed decision. While some may consider hiring a personal assistant who is not licensed…

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