Dementia Care
Compassionate, Loving Care From Dementia-Trained Carers
The photos they recognise. The smells they remember. The little imperfections they love…
For those living with dementia, there’s nowhere more comforting than the home they know. And for those with a carer on hand, the home they know is still one of the safest places for them to be and the most cost-effective option.

What Is Dementia Care?
Dementia is an all-encompassing term covering a range of progressive conditions affecting the brain. Whilst there are over 200 subtypes of dementia, the most common forms of the disease are Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia. The number of individuals in the UK suffering from a form of dementia is growing and is predicted to be over 1 million by 2025. Caring for a member of your family who has dementia can put enormous strains on both your mental and physical health. Our specially trained care staff are there to not only improve the life of the person who requires the care, but also to reduce the pressure on you, the family members or friends who may have been providing the care.
Why Choose Dementia Care?
Sylvian’s staff will support your ageing parents living with dementia, allowing them to remain in their own home. Familiarity with their surroundings is important to all dementia sufferers. We will ensure that the home environment is safe, assist with a wide range of domestic and daily tasks, ensure that our client is eating properly and drinking enough fluids and if required make sure that prescribed medication is being taken. For family members we can arrange respite care allowing them a period of rest and recovery. Our aim is to ensure that our dementia clients have a fulfilling and comfortable a life for as long as possible giving you that peace of mind that your loved ones are safe and comfortable at home.

Arrange Dementia Care
If you would like to arrange dementia care for yourself or a loved one, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Select your local office and speak to one of our helpful staff today.
Frequently Asked Questions
Consistency of the visiting carers is something we pride ourselves with. Unlike other care companies that allocate 3-4 carers to visit a client, we allocate one main carer that visits every day except their day off when a cover carer replaces them. This aspect is crucial, especially for someone living with dementia. Having to adapt to new routines and someone visiting every day is hard enough for your loved ones. Receiving personal care from a different carer every day that does not know your parents’ routines and their environment can become a challenge.
It’s important to make plans at the earliest possible stage so that you and your loved one have a plan of action and understand what choices you have. Most older people are keen to stay in the familiar surroundings of their own homes, and thanks to an increase in elderly care options and assistive technologies, home care is now a viable alternative to a nursing home.
You will need to appoint someone to have Power of Attorney over your loved one’s financial affairs, for when he or she becomes unable to deal with them. Confusion over money can be an early symptom, so appointing someone to take charge of the bank account and savings is a vital step in ensuring that your relative is not defrauded by anyone.
There are two specific types of Power of Attorney, one of them being Lasting Power of Attorney which is the one appropriate for a dementia diagnosis.
Ordinary Power of Attorney: Ordinary Power of Attorney covers decisions about financial affairs and is valid whilst a person has mental capacity. This is suitable for those who need cover on a temporary basis such as during a hospital stay.
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA): A LPA comes into effect if a person loses mental capacity and covers decisions about financial affairs or health and care. An LPA is set up if an individual wants to make sure they are covered in the future.
Make their home as safe as possible, by installing grab rails in bathrooms, updating or installing smoke detectors and minimising slip and trip hazards. Some families use wearable GPS tracking devices to keep an eye on relatives who might be prone to wandering, and if this is the case, it might be worth improving home security too.
Whether your loved one needs a lot of support or just a little looking after, we offer flexible, cost-effective, hourly care tailored especially to them, even at short notice. We’ll introduce your relative to our trained carers when they need it. Even at 24 hours notice if urgent.
Peace of mind needn’t cost the earth. With us, in fact our hourly rates start from £26 pounds per hour and we provide 30 minutes minimum visits.
We will be there to offer advice about how to make payment a little easier for you. So that’s one less thing to worry about.

How To Find The Right Care For You Or Your Relative
1. Find your local office here
2. Get in touch with us
3. Carry out an assessment
4. Care team chosen and care starts
Nationwide Locations
Arrange Care With Our Expert Advisors
At Sylvian, we are dedicated to offering a completely personalised approach to all those we care for. Select your local office from the list, and we’ll help you arrange care for yourself or a family member.