Sylvian Care Awarded Top NHS Contract
How SylvianCare is working together with local authorities to overcome challenges in the healthcare sector.
No doubt you have heard on the news how the health service is facing a crisis on unprecedented levels. Urgent and emergency care have never been under such immense pressure and it is sadly not uncommon for some people to wait 16-20 hours for an ambulance due to staff shortages. Of course, this is having a major knock-on effect on every other part of the sector.
Fortunately, the government is taking action. They have responded to this crisis by announcing an emergency care plan that aims to address the pressing issues faced by the NHS. The plan includes the allocation of £1 billion pounds towards expanding community care services, which will help to alleviate the burden on emergency care services.
We at Sylvian Care understand the challenges that the healthcare industry is currently facing all too well. We believe that everyone deserves high quality care, not only those that can afford private rates, and for this reason all our franchisees work very closely with their local authorities and NHS services. We are committed to providing quality care services to those who need them most, and we believe that helping the NHS to alleviate some of the pressure on the system is one way in which we can do our part.
Which is why we are very happy to announce that Sylvian Care was ranked as first choice in the award of a recent contract from NHS Berkshire to provide services all across the region. We are very proud to have been singled out for the efficiency of our business model in providing the highest possible standards of care, and see this as a huge endorsement of the hard work and dedication of our franchise network in the region – all of whom will now be able to benefit from this tender.
Sylvian Care is one of the few care franchises that is opening to working with the NHS and local authorities. This gives our franchisees a huge advantage as around 70% of home care work is tendered through these sources, and it is our unique way of doing things that allows us to operate on this level. By providing care at home services in the community, we are able to help prevent clients from being admitted the hospital in the first place. By providing a solid care framework in the home, we also help NHS teams feel more confident in discharging patients back into the community, freeing up valuable hospital beds for those who need them most.
Additionally, through our values-based recruitment process, we are able to recruit high-quality staff from overseas who are dedicated to providing excellent care services to our clients meaning that our partners do not suffer from the staff shortages seen by other agencies.
Altogether, this elements make for a real recipe for success, for our service users, our franchisees, and our partners. We look forward to the reputation Sylvian Care gains from this new contract leading to greater brand visibility across other regions, and are confident this is just the beginning of closer partnerships right across the UK.
We are committed to being at the forefront of providing quality healthcare services, particularly in these challenging times. At Sylvian Care, we are proud to be making a positive impact in the community by helping to provide the care that people need it. If that sounds like something you want to be a part of, we would love to hear from you!